SmoothQuant: Accurate and Efficient Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Model¶
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SmoothQuant 是一种用于 LLM 后训练量化的解决方案,旨在通过 8-bit 权重和 8-bit 激活(W8A8) 量化来减少内存使用并加速推理过程,同时保存模型的准确性。
核心思想是将量化的难点从 activation 迁移到 weights, 通过数学等价变换平滑 activation 的 outliers.
- 现有量化方法存在局限性:LLM 的参数超过 6.7B 时,激活中会出现异常值,导致量化误差以及准确性下降。
- weights 分布比较均匀,意味着它们的值在大多数情况下比较接近,更容易被量化。
- activation 分散一点,包含一些很大的值,这就是 outlier
- SmoothQuant
- rely on a key observation: even if activations are mnuch harder to quantize than weights due to the presence of outliers, different tokens exhibit similar variations across their channels.
- SmoothQaunt offline migarates the quantization difficulty from activations to weights.
Quantization Difficulty¶
- Activations are harder to quantize than weights.
- the weight distribution is quite uniform and flat
- Outliers make actibation quantization difficult
- The scale of outliers in activations is ~100 \(\times\) larger than most of the activation values.
- the large outliers dominate the maximum magnitude measuremet, leading to low effective quantization bit for non-outlier channels.
- Outliers persist in fixed channels.
- if one channel has an outlier, it persistently appears in all tokens.
- The variance between the magnitudes of a given channel across tokens is small.
- So if we could perform per-channel quantization of the activation, the quantization error would be much smaller.
- infeasible though.
总的 idea: 对于 \(Y=XW\) 将激活值缩小一个比例系数,同时将权重放大一个比例系数:
\bf{Y}=(\bf{X}diag(\bf{s}^{-1}))\cdot (diag(\bf{s})\bf{W})=\hat{\bf{X}}\hat{\bf{W}}
- Migrate the quantization difficulty from activations to weights
- choose a per-channel smoothing factor \(\bf{s}\) such that \(\hat{\bf{X}}\) is easy to quantize.
- 为了减少量化误差,需要增加所有通道的有效量化位数。 The total effective quantization bits would be largest when all the channels have the same maximum magnitude.
- 一个简单的方法就是让 \(s_j=\max{|X_j|}\). 这样除以 \(s\) 后每个 channel 就有相同的最大值。
- 但是如果按照上述方法直接选择,所有的量化难度都会被推向权重。?
- 另一种方式 \(s_j=\frac{1}{\max{|W_j|}}\).这会将所有量化难度推向 activation.
- 因此我们需要寻找平衡,引入一个超参 \(\alpha\).
- \(s_j=\max(|X_j|)^{\alpha}/\max(|W_j|)^{1-\alpha}\).
- Applying SmoothQuant to Transformer blocks.
- self-attention,FNN,Batched Matrix Multiply 被量化为 INT8,因为它们是计算密集型的。
- 其它轻量级逐元素操作,如 ReLU, Softmax, LayerNorm, 保持激活为 FP16
2024年10月29日 20:41:58
创建日期: 2024年10月29日 20:41:58
创建日期: 2024年10月29日 20:41:58