Random Variables: Distribution and Expectation¶
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Random Variables¶
A random variable \(X\) on a sample space \(\Omega\) is a function \(X: \Omega\rightarrow R\) that assigns to each point \(\omega\in \Omega\) a real number \(X(\omega)\)
the term “random variable” is really something of a misnomer: it is a function so there is nothing random about it and it is definitely not a variable!
Probability Distribution¶
When we introduced the basic probability space we defined two things:
- The sample space \(\Omega\) consisting of all the possible outcomes(sample points) of the experiment.
- The probability of each of the sample points
Analogously, there are two important things about any random variable"
- The set of values that it can take
- The probability with which it takes on the values.
Since a random variable is defined on a probability space, we can calculate these probabilities given the probabilities of the sample points.
Let \(a\) be any number in the range of a random variable \(X\). Then the set
\(\left\{ \omega\in\Omega:X(\omega)=a\right\}\) is an event in the sample space, abbreviated by \(X=a\).
The distribution of a discrete random variable \(X\) is the collection of values \(\left\{ (a,P[X=a]):a\in \mathscr{A}\right\}\), where \(\mathscr{A}\) is the set of all possible values taken by \(X\).
Note that the collection of events \(X=a\) satisfy two important properties:
- Any two events \(X=a_1,X=a_2\) with \(a_1 \ne a_2\) are disjoint.
- The union of all these events is equal to the entire sample space \(\Omega\)
Thus the collection of events form a partition of the sample space.
Bernouli Distribution¶
a random variable which takes value in {0,1}: $$ P[X=i]=\begin{cases}p&i=1\ 1-p&i=0\end{cases} $$
Binomial Distribution¶
Hypergeometric Distribution¶
Multiple Random Variables and Independence¶
The joint distribution for two discrete random variable \(X,Y\) is the collection of values \(\left\{((a,b),P[X=a,Y=b]):a\in \mathscr{A},b\in \mathscr{B}\right\}\), where \(\mathscr{A}\) is the set of all possible values taken by \(X\) and \(\mathscr{B}\) is the set of all possible values taken by \(Y\).
When given a joint distribution for \(X\) and \(Y\), the distribution \(P[X=a]\) for \(X\) is called the marginal distribution for \(X\), and can be found by summing over the values of \(Y\), That is:
The expectation of a discrete random varaible \(X\) is defined as $$ E[X]=\sum_{a\in \mathscr{A}}a\times P[X=a] $$ where the sum is over all possible values taken by the r.v.
Linearity of Expectation¶
For any two random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) on the same probability space, we have $$ E[X+Y]=E[X]+E[Y] $$ Also, for any constant \(c\), we have $$ E[cX]=cE[X] $$
It is only sums and differences and constant multiples of random variables that behave so nicely.
创建日期: 2023年10月23日 09:55:35