Inter-Process Communications¶
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- Processes within a host may be independent or cooperating.
- Reasons for cooperating processes:
- Information sharing
- Computation speedup
- Modularity
- Convenience
- Means of communication for cooperating processes is called Inter-Process Communication
IPC Communication Models¶
Process is designed for isolation, so IPC is not easy!!
- Message-passing
- useful for exchanding small amounts of data
- simple to implement in the OS
- somtimes cumbersome for the user as code is sprinkled with send/recv operations
- high-overhead: one syscall per communication operation
- Shared Memory
- low-overhead: a few syscalls initially, and then none.
- more difficult to implement in the OS.
Shared Memory¶
- Processes need to establish a shared memory region
- One process creates a shared memory segement
- Processes can then attach it to their address spaces. (Note that this is really contrary to the memory protection idea central to multi-programming!)
存在的问题就是不安全,我们可以拿到 share_id
, 就可以把共享内存 attach 到自己的进程上,可以观察到其它进程的数据。
We are breaking one of the fundamental abstractions provided by the OS: memory isolation.
Sharing memory among multiple running contet is done using threads.
Message Passing¶
- Two fundamental operations
- send: to send a message
- recv: to receive a message
- If processes P and Q wish to communicate they
- establish a communication link between them
- place calls to sned() and recv()
- optionally shutdown the communication link
- Message passing is key for distributed computing.
Implementing Message-Passing¶
- Implementation of commmunication link
- Physical: shared memory, hardware bus, network
- Logical: Direct or indirect, synchronous or asynchronous, automatic or explicit buffering
- Direct Communication
- Processes must name each other explicitly.
- link 太多了
- Indirect Communication
- Messages are directed and received from mailboxes(also referred to as ports)
2024年10月20日 11:25:08
创建日期: 2024年10月20日 11:25:08
创建日期: 2024年10月20日 11:25:08