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CPU Scheduling

  • Definition: the decisions made by the OS to figure out which ready processes/threads should run and for how long.

CPU-I/O Burst Cycle

  • I/O-bound process: mostly waiting for I/O
  • CPU-bound process: mostly waiting for CPU

The CPU Scheduler

当 CPU 空闲时,从所有的 ready processes 中选一个继续跑。

  • Non-preemptive scheduling: a process holds the CPU until it is willing to give it up.
  • Preemptive sheduling: a process can be preempted even though it could have happily continued executing. 可以强制终止正在跑的进程。

Scheduling Objectives

  • maximize CPU Utilization: CPU 使用时间/总时间
  • maximize throughput: 单位时间完成的进程数,看任务完成是否高效
  • turnaround time: 从进程开始建立到进程完成的时间。
  • waiting time: 进程在 ready queue 中等待的时间总和:等待时间=周转时间-运行时间
  • response time: 从发出请求到第一次响应的时间

Scheduling Mechanisms

Scheduling Queues

  • The kernel maintains queues in which processes are placed.
  • the ready queue contains processes that are in the READY state
  • Device Queues contain processes waiting for particular devices.


Dispatcher module gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the scheduler.

  • switching to kernel mode
  • switching context
  • switching to user mode
  • jumping to the proper lication in the user programe to restart that program

Dispatch latency: time it takes for the dispatcher to stop one process and start another to run.

Scheduling Algorithms

First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)

Shortest-Job-First(SJF) Scheduling

选择需要运行时间最短的进程先运行。算法能保证平均等待时间最小,但是如果有一个进程运行时间很长,它可能一直被推迟,可能会出现 starvation. 并且实际情况中我们可能不知道进程运行时间多长。


  • Predicting CPU burst durations
    • predict future CPU bursts based on previous CPU bursts

Round-Robin Scheduling

  • RR Scheduling is preemptive and designed for time-sharing

每个进程最多连续执行一个时间片的长度,完成后被插入 FIFO ready queue 的末尾,并去除 FIFO ready queue 的队首进行执行。

时间片越短,响应时间越短,但更短的时间片带来更频繁的进程切换,从而带来更多的 dispatch latency.

Priority Scheduling

每个进程都有一个优先级,当多个进程处于 ready 的时候,选择优先级最高的进程运行。缺点是如果一个进程的优先级很低,它可能 starvation.

  • simply implement the ready queue as a priority queue
  • low-priority process starvation: priority aging
    • incease the priority of a process as it ages.

Multilevel Queue Scheduling

我们可以考虑在特定情况下使用特定的调度算法:我们将 ready queue 分成多个队列,每个队列使用不同的调度算法,然后再进行队列间调度。

  • Scheduling within queues:
    • each queue has its own scheduling policy
    • high-priority could be RR, low-priority could be FCFS
  • Scheduling between the queues:
    • typically preemptive priority scheduling
    • a process can run only if all higher-priority queues are empty.

Rationale: non-CPU-intensive jobs should really get the CPU quickly on the rare occasions they need them, because they could be interactive processes (this is all guesswork, of course).

非 CPU-intensive 的进程应该尽快得到 CPU,因为它们可能是交互式进程。

  • Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling
    • 允许进程在队列间转移,以实现更科学灵活的调度。例如,一个进程如果使用了过长的 CPU 时间,它可能被移动到优先级更低的队列;相反,如果一个进程等待了太久,它可能被移动到优先级更高的队列

最后更新: 2024年10月29日 09:26:26
创建日期: 2024年10月29日 09:26:26