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Why thread?

How can we make a process run faster?

Multiple execution units with a process!

Thread Definition

  • A thread is a basic unit of execution within a process. (线程是执行单元)
    • Each thread has its own:
      • thread ID
      • program counter
      • register set
      • Stack
    • It shares the following with other threads within the same process:
      • code section
      • data section
      • the heap(dynamically allocated memory)
      • open files and signals.
    • Concurrency: a multi-threaded process can do multiple things at once.

  • Advantages of Threads
    • economy:
      • creating a thread is cheap(much cheaper than creating a process since code, data and heap are already in memory)
      • context-switching between threads is cheap
        • 换进程 switch_mm + cpu_switch_to 换进程不需要换 memory
        • no cache flush
    • Resource sharing:
      • threads naturally share memory
        • with processes you hae to use possibly complicated IPC
      • Having concurrent activities in the same address space is very powerful.
    • Responsiveness
      • A program that has concurrent activities is more responsive.
    • Scalability
  • Drawbacks of Threads
    • weak isolation between threads: if one thread fails, then he process fails.
    • may be more memory-constrained than processes.
    • do not benefit from memory protection.
  • Typical challenges of multi-threaded programming
    • Deal with data dependency and synchronization
    • Dividing activities among threads
    • Balancing load among threads
    • Split data among threads
    • Testing and debugging

User Threads vs. Kernel Threads

  • Many-to-One Model
    • advantage: multi-threading is efficient and low-overhead (no syscalls to the kernel)
    • 如果一个线程卡着,其它就都卡着了(一个 thread syscall 了,其它 thread 就不能 syscall.)
    • cannot take advantage of a multi-core architecture.
  • One-to-One Model
    • overhead. 开销大
    • Linux and Windows 用这个
  • Many-to-Many Model
  • Two level Model

Threading Issues

Semantics of fork() and exec()

如果一个 thread 调用了 fork() ,那么我们要复制调用的线程还是复制所有的线程呢?

  • Some OSes provide both options
  • In Linux the first option above is used
    • If one calls exec() after fork(), all threads are wiped out anyway.


  • Multiple options:
    • deleiver the signal to the thread to which the signal applies
    • deliver the signal to every thread in the process
    • deliver the signal to certain threads in the process
    • assign a specific thread to receive all signals
  • Most UNIX versions: a thread can say which signals it accepts and which signals it doesn't accept.
  • On Linux: dealing with threads and signals is tricky but well understood with many tutorials on the matter and man pages.

Safe Thread Cancellation

把一个线程的工作取消掉,但是不影响我们的系统(有可能取消的时候它在处理 shared data 之类的)

  • Asynchronous cancellation
  • Deferred cancellation (thread 觉得自己能够安全地被关掉时,就把自己取消掉。)

Default type is deferred. (Cancellation only occurs when thread reaches cancellation point)

Linux Threads

  • In Linux, a thread is also called a light-weight process(LWP)
  • The clone() syscall is used to create a thread or a process
  • TCB 用来存储线程的信息, Linux 并不区分 PCB 和 TCB,都是用 task_strcut 来表示。
  • 如果 PID 和 LWP 相同,说明这个进程只有一个线程,否则说明线程有多个进程,此时进程的 PID 是主进程的 LWP.
  • A process is
    • either a signal thread + an address space
    • or multiple threads + an address space.
  • mm_struct (与内存管理相关的信息如页表,heap)是共享的,task_struct, pid, stack 是不共享的。(stack 4K 对齐)
  • thread_group 链表把 thread 串起来。

  • One task in Linux

    • Same task_struct(PCB) means same thread
      • Also viewed as 1:1 mapping
      • One user thread maps to one kernel thread
      • But actually, they are the same thread.(kenerl space 线程可以理解为 user space 的小号)
    • Can be executed in user space(user code, user space stack)
    • Can be executed in kernel space(kenerl code 和 user code 不一样,其实就是执行 syscall, kernel space stack, kernel space 的栈固定 16K,user space 的栈大小不固定)
  • 调完 syscall 之后要求 kernel stack 是空。

最后更新: 2025年3月7日 09:20:24
创建日期: 2024年10月22日 15:51:32